THE NATIONAL - Laugh Track (2023), listen #2
According to Wikipedia, the reason Laugh Track exists is that the band wanted to find a home for "Weird Goodbyes," the thing they did with Bon Iver that I guess was felt not to fit in with the material on First Two Pages Of Frankenstein because reasons. So, to a degree, one could say that the band released two records in the same year because of "Weird Goodbyes." But to be clear, it also does sound like they had some half-written songs kicking around too, and got to road-test them, the way rock bands used to write, back in a different era. I guess there could be an essay in that point, too, dissecting the fact that the National are enough of an institution that their place the music world is totally secure. You know you're a legacy act when you talk about writing on the road and during soundchecks as a change-of-pace choice; that's the only way to work when you're a hungry up-and-maybe-comer using touring to sustain your music habit. I'm not...