
Showing posts from January, 2025

THE NATIONAL - Laugh Track (2023), listen #2

According to Wikipedia, the reason Laugh Track exists is that the band wanted to find a home for "Weird Goodbyes," the thing they did with Bon Iver that I guess was felt not to fit in with the material on First Two Pages Of Frankenstein because reasons.  So, to a degree, one could say that the band released two records in the same year because of "Weird Goodbyes."  But to be clear, it also does sound like they had some half-written songs kicking around too, and got to road-test them, the way rock bands used to write, back in a different era.  I guess there could be an essay in that point, too, dissecting the fact that the National are enough of an institution that their place the music world is totally secure.  You know you're a legacy act when you talk about writing on the road and during soundchecks as a change-of-pace choice; that's the only way to work when you're a hungry up-and-maybe-comer using touring to sustain your music habit.  I'm not...

THE NATIONAL - Laugh Track (2023), listen #1

Never particularly wanted there to be such a long gap between writing about First Two Pages Of Frankenstein and Laugh Track , especially since they came out so close together.  Part of it is that life gets in the way, and blogging takes time.  I gotta admit, though, one thing that's never changed about this particular project is that I'm listening more out of a sense of commitment to the bit than because, at any given time, I'm not really that excited to hear any more new music from the National.  Usually once I get to know a National record I do get in the mood to hear more of it.  It's the getting started that actually requires a little bit of motivation.  Is the National doomed to be one of those bands that I spend a fuckton of time with but am just not excited about? To the extent that I'm a National fan, it's that I've come to find their records comforting rather than exciting.  Once I actually started listening to Laugh Track , it felt... homey....

?Classics? of power metal #1: MANILLA ROAD - Open The Gates (1985), early impressions

[These "early impressions" posts are generally going to be after listening to the record twice, give or take.] Past exposure to this band/record :  None other than half-listening to a track on YouTube when designing this project.                            To add to the above, I had somehow never even heard of Manilla Road, despite their clearly big shadow across a fairly large plain of metal.  This prolific band from Kansas was the last addition to my list of bands to cover in response to a Reddit comment suggesting that some semblance of "epic metal" should get some love in a survey of power metal.  I will not attempt to regurgitate my brief reading about how exactly epic metal is defined, and how it has a heavy overlap with but is not completely nested within power metal... suffice to say that the bands that got tagged with this power-adjace...

?Classics? of power metal #0: Intro

I throw around genre labels often as adjectives.  They're a convenient way to summarize a certain collection of elements.  As far as actually listening to music, I usually don't so much to pick a particular subgenre to explore, though.  It's more to find someone I love, either from a new release or a specific recommendation from someone, and then follow them through their career.  Sometimes this results in a deep fandom wherein records get spun over and over.  Sometimes I fall off because someone only nails it once or twice but not consistently.  And sometimes there are the near-misses, wherein I listen to someone a lot, I like them, I clearly see that they're good at what they do, yet there's a distance to the fandom. *   Over the years I've come close to falling in love with a few bands that have certain elements in common that leads them to be labelled "power metal." At one time I thought SERENITY, the power-adjacent symphonic metallers from Austri...

WARREN ZEVON - Wanted Dead Or Alive (1970)

By far the oldest record I've ever tried to blog about!  I think the only explanation necessary for "why Zevon?" is that I know his music in a greatest-hits sort of way, always liked it, have been meaning to do a deep dive for years, and am now doing so. Anyway, in 1970 some singer-songwriter nobody had ever heard of who went by the name "Zevon" put out a record, playing most of the instruments and doing most of everything.  It achieved minimal success and was mostly forgotten.  To the extent that it was ever rediscovered, it's as a footnote to the career the guy ended up forging later when he reemerged, with his album sleeves now calling him "Warren Zevon." Track One:  "Wanted Dead Or Alive" Well, this is not a bad start to a career.  WDOA * immediately hits with a riff that's basically three notes, strummed but downtuned to pack the sort of muscular heft that I don't really associate with most music from the era.  Z...

Top fifteen records of 2024: Listening notes

Rather than shoehorn genre labels into sentences, this year's schtick is that the list will instead include "listening notes," akin to wine tasting notes - a few words summarizing what one can expect to hear if checking out one of these records.  And this year I'm also forcing myself to include one, and only one, song to check out with each entry. Before we begin, as always: a few records of note from 2023 that I didn't mention in my 2023 list because of lack of my listening to them in 2023. Adjy - June Songs, Volume I Buffalo Nichols - The Fatalist Danny Brown - Quaranta Grace Potter - Mother Road KNOWER - KNOWER FOREVER On to 2024, then.  Now, this year was an embarrassment of riches for my musical tastes.  I don't know if I'm just better at hunting down metal that I like, or it was a uniquely good year, but when I already had fifteen hopefuls for my list by June, I knew it'd be a special twelve months.  I didn't even get to do as muc...