Requisite first post

I occasionally like to challenge myself to write about things that interest me.  When writing such e-mails to family, I regularly found that I was more doing it to entertain myself than due to anyone else actually caring.  It occurred to me that whether or not anyone else other than me was entertained by my mumbling into the void, might as well actually mumble into the void.
Basic agenda here:  I will write about things I feel like writing about - probably mostly music, although we'll see - when I feel like it, as frequently or rarely as I feel like.  
For the time being, this will be a dumping ground for a project in which, in response to my brother talking up the band [The] National, I decided I'd listen to their entire discography and rave and/or snark about it as appropriate.  I am not coming in as a fan of the National, I could not have named a song by the National prior to starting this, so I have no preconceived notions about the National whatsoever and do not know how much I will actually like them.  That's kind of the point.


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