B-FEST 2025: Are you outta your mind?!

The once a year occasion in which I blog about a weirdo movie festival!  For those somehow here through music, this one specific post is not about music; it's about an annual B-movie festival that I've been attending since 2004.  For those here specifically to read about B-Fest, hi, I'm Benjamin, this is my blog.  Normally I nerd out about rock music and try to put my impressions into words.  I like to think that I blog about the most random assortment of rock-related topics possible.  So, I'm close to the end of a series about my first listens to each and every album by indie-rock institution The National, and I've also written at length about my discovery of folk/death-metal greats Eluveitie, and I've also also done an album-by-album deep dive/fawning hagiography about the music of Scottish prog-rock writer and singer Fish.  More recently, I've just started up a series of posts going through Warren Zevon's discography, and a different series of posts exploring my conflicted relationship with the sub-genre of power metal.  So, yeah, that's normally what's for perusal here at http://isverbose.com


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